

Page history last edited by Christopher Wyatt 16 years ago

Welcome to podTheatre for Teachers

As the name implies, podTheatre is a variation of "readers' theatre" and "10-minute plays" adapted to the medium of podcasting. We believe teachers can use podTheatre to develop skills and critical thinking across the curriculum, from the creation of promotional materials and graphics to the science of how portable music players work.


Do not confuse podTheatre with generic podcasting! Podcasting refers to a universe of audio recordings, from people reciting poetry in their bedrooms to professionally produced news programs. What makes podTheatre, known as audio drama among its Internet fans, special is that it refers to scripted plays in the tradition of old-time radio (OTR) dramas and comedies. The goal is to produce and distribute a play for a larger audience: to appear on the "world wide stage" of the Internet. We definitely hope teachers and students come to enjoy this new medium.



Why podTheatre?




Subject Areas:

Language Arts




Performing Arts


Suggested Links


We hope you enjoy the resources on this PBwiki site and offer suggestions to expand the materials found here. Our hope is that teachers will want to add to the lesson ideas presented here, adding to the value of this site. If you have a PBwiki account, please consider adding your own ideas to this site. It would be great to add specific lesson plans and outlines for teachers to share.



We found various approaches to punctuating readers' and spelling theatre. We assumed "readers" to be a plural and we applied the Dramatists' Guild standard that a "theater" is a place and a "theatre" is a performing organization. There really are no exact rules and so our choices were arbitrary.


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