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Language Arts

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Saved by Christopher Wyatt
on December 18, 2007 at 8:43:19 pm

Theatre as Literature

From the early works of Sophocles to the modern plays of Tom Stoppard, we have taught theatre as literature. But as any student of Shakespeare knows, reading a play is not the same as hearing or seeing the play. The spoken word transforms theatrical writing, giving it an immediacy that the printed page lacks.


We introduce some of these concepts on our background wiki page. 


History of Theatre

Long before the printing press, before the written word, humans had "ritual theatre." By acting out the stories gods people were able to pass their traditions from one generation to the next. Almost every culture has a theatrical tradition based on such rituals. A literature class could examine the various theatrical traditions of regions and cultures.


Cultural Differences



Introducing Readers' Theatre

Readers' Theatre is a popular way to explore reading with elementary students.  


10-Minute Plays

There are a great many one-act / ten-minute plays appropriate for the classroom.  


Learning Dramatic Writing

Teaching dramatic writing can help students appreciate narrative structures.  



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